Booking Policy
Community Center Bookings Policies
1.0 Renter Discloser
- 1.1 All groups using WAB facilities will agree for disclosure of costs to participants.
- 1.2 Instructional classes, courses, and camps must show accreditation, certifications and qualifications of instructors. The renter must also provide the number of instructors to participant ratio.
- 1.3 The renter must also provide general information of participants including and not limited to:
- 1.3.1 School Community affiliation
- 1.3.2 Company affiliation
- 1.3.3 Age of participants
- 1.3.4 WAB Community connection sponsor
2.0 Safety
- 2.1 Personal Statement
- 2.1.1 - I, the person/group/association is assuming full responsibility for the above event/activity, understand that community use of WAB facilities is solely at the risk of the user, and hereby confirm that the Western Academy of Beijing, its owner, its Board(s) of Directors, its management and staff members will not be held responsible or liable for any accidents, injuries or losses participating members may suffer as a result of such use of WAB facilities; and further undertake to give full compensation for losses incurred by WAB due to improper use. I also understand WAB reserves all rights to cancel/reschedule this event. All members of our event will only use the facilities we are assigned to and will be supervised upon entering and for our duration on the WAB premises by me, the person/group/association. By signing the rental form, you agree with all the rental procedures and policies.
- 2.2 The group is responsible for providing its’ own first aid supplies and kit.
- 2.3 A guardian, parent, coach or supervisor must supervise any group under the age of 19 and must be over the age of 21.
- 2.4 WAB does not support any activities, events, individuals, or groups that promote, violence, hate, drugs, or unsafe conduct and reserve the right to cancel any booking.
- 2.5 All activities that occur at WAB must adhere to WAB’s Child Protection Policy and be guided by WAB’s core beliefs and principles, including and not limited to; kindness, diversity, inclusivity and the 3 R’s (Respect yourself, Respect others, and Respect the environment).
3.0 Equipment
- 3.1 The Group is responsible for any malfunction or damaged equipment incurred during their event and must repair or replace any damaged equipment.
- 3.2 Group must negotiate equipment needs (Equipment may not be available for outside use)
- 3.3 WAB is not responsible for storage of outside equipment
- 3.4 WAB will maintain constant checks and reviews on equipment to maintain high standards.
4.0 Bookings Priority
- 4.1 WAB Sponsored events take priority, which may result in some booking cancellation or rescheduling.
- 4.2 We will endeavor to give 2 weeks notice to any changes in your bookings.
- 4.3 Booking Priority List
- 4.3.1 WABX - These groups are a part of the activities and athletic programs that occur at WAB. They are directly related to the student’s curriculum.
- 4.3.2 WABX/ Student - These groups at formed in partnership from the students and WABX. They are formed by interested and keen students that organize activities for the student population
- 4.3.3 Published programs relating directly to WAB community - These groups have a direct partnership with WAB and its community. They are groups who offer published and coordinated programs for the Beijing community
- 4.3.4 WAB and Teacher Community - These are groups in the WAB community that are separate from curriculum and WABX. They are organized by groups in the WAB community and often provide recreation opportunities for the staff and students.
- 4.3.5 Outside community - These are groups that have no affiliation with WAB but are interested in using its facility. They do not provide direct service to WAB or its community. These groups must be sponsored by a direct WAB community member.
5.0 Time Agreements
- 5.1 Groups are responsible for confirming times via email document.
- 5.2 Users are responsible for following their confirmed time slots. If there is any breech of this agreement WAB retains the right to refuse any further bookings from this group.
6.0 Your in-kind donations to support the Community use of WAB facilities can be made to WABX Community Center donations. It can also be brought the WAB Finance Office
7.0 Identification
- 7.1 The security team will check its calendar to ensure your booking has been made
- 7.2 You will be asked by The security team to present your Community Badge or ID
- 7.3 The WABX office may be contacted to confirm any bookings by the security team
- 7.4 All people on campus must be directly related to the event
- 7.4.1 people should be easily identified as Ticket holders for or participants of events
- 7.4.2 Drivers, Ayi’s or persons waiting for the event to finish must wait outside the campus or designated waiting areas.
8.0 Facility usage and campus access agreement details
All activities that occur at WAB must adhere to WAB’s Child Protection Policy and be guided by WAB’s core beliefs and principles, including and not limited to; kindness, diversity, inclusivity and the 3 R’s (Respect yourself, Respect others, and Respect the environment).
· 8.1 Child Protection Policy Summary
Everyone on WAB’s campus must adhere to our Child Protection Policy. WAB’s Child Protection Policy is based upon Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors – Chapter III, Articles 17 to 26; and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which China has signed. Child abuse is a complex set of behaviors that are non-accidental and result in far-reaching negative effects on the victim. There are four types of child abuse: physical, emotional, neglect and sexual. Another form of abuse is bullying. Bullying is any repeated, unwanted, intentionally hurtful negative behavior. Bullying can create an intimidating environment and often includes an unfair use or imbalance of power. Adults are required to refer any form of child abuse or bullying to the WAB administration who will deal with the situation following our Child Protection Policy guidelines. All concerns raised will be treated in strictest confidence by the school. Child abuse and bullying are not tolerated at WAB. Anyone suspected of abusing a child in any way will be dealt with immediately. Local authorities will be involved when/where necessary.· 8.2 Photos and Privacy when on Campus
Out of respect for the privacy of all our community, adults accessing campus are requested to avoid taking photos or videos of children other than their own and of other parents. If photos are taken that include people not in your family, please do not post these images on social media, including WeChat. -
· 8.3 Toilets and Change Rooms
Adults are expected to use adult toilets in the elementary school and only use change rooms during community hours (weekdays 6:00pm to 9:00pm; weekends and holidays 8:00am to 9:00pm). This expectation is clearly sign posted at the entrance to all change rooms.· 8.4 Kindness, Diversity, Inclusivity and the 3R’s Summary
At WAB, our primary responsibility is the welfare of our students and community. This means:
o 8.4.1 Recognize, respect and promote understanding of the uniqueness, dignity and diversity of each student.
o 8.4.2 Embody and promote WAB's model of "I-DEAS"; Inclusion through, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism and Social Justice.
o 8.4.3 Recognize, appreciate, and value all members of our community including, but not limited to; disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, neurodiversity, nationality, mental health, political affiliation or sexuality.
o 8.4.4 Provide a kind, safe and inclusive environment which promotes the physical, emotional, social and intellectual well-being of all students.
o 8.4.5 Create and maintain appropriate professional relationships with students and never threaten, harm or have inappropriate physical contact with students in any way.
o 8.4.6 Use WAB or personal technology safely, appropriately and in an ethically responsible manner and always respect China’s internet laws.
o 8.4.7 Do not take unwanted photographs of students.
o 8.4.8 Use adult washrooms and change rooms only.
o 8.4.9 Use WAB’s facilities appropriately and in the manner which they are meant to be used.
o 8.4.10 Immediately alert WAB administration to any problematic incidents that may have occurred to an individual or facility while on campus.
Special Events and Single Bookings
Bookings need to be booked 1 week in advance by the Friday of the previous week. Example: a booking is on Monday, March 10; the booking must be placed by the Friday the week before.
Tiger L’Air Sports Dome Tennis Usage Policy
Tiger L’Air operating hours will follow “community time” hours
Monday - Friday 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 am – 9:30 pm
WAB Community members can make use of vacant tennis courts (Non-booked courts) for casual hitting free of charge on a first come first served basis. Tennis courts must be booked in advance for any lessons to take place. WAB reserves all rights to withdraw your bookings in case of WAB events or classes.
*WAB Community Guests must be accompanied by a WAB community member at all times. WAB Community Members must be actively present during the booking period. A maximum of three guests per booking per court who must be accompanied by at least one WAB community member
All lesson will require an additional 50 RMB per person being taught by the coach
Booking Hours
All Members are limited to up to 2 hours of bookings per day. Requests for special events may be made. please contact the Facilities Bookings coordinator.
All organized lessons need to be preserved through the bookings system. (no drop in lessons)
WAB ID Passes: WAB Community Members are requested to have their WAB ID Passes available when they are using the Tennis Courts.
New Online Booking System: WAB has introduced a new booking system. After the first registration through the new system, it will now be possible to book courts directly online:
For inquiries regarding bookings, please contact our facility bookings coordinator, Caleb Liu.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 15010178644
Should there be any problems at the time of your booking, please call the WAB Community Activities Supervisor on 13911504871.